Password Strength Checker - Test to Secure Your Password
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Password Strength Checker

How secure is your password? Test your password security with our online password strength checker tool for FREE.

What is SanSEOTools Password Strength Checker?

Password Strength Checker is an application that checks how strong a password is. Some popular password strength meters use machine learning algorithms to predict the strength of your password.

A password strength checker is a web tool that instantly evaluates how secure a user password is by analyzing its syntax and flagging potential weaknesses. The tool checks if certain sequences of characters are being used, such as proximity keys “asdf" and "qazwsx", or very common weak passwords like "123456" and "password1". Other key factors assessed are the combination of alphanumeric characters and symbols used, the number of characters, and password uniqueness.

This Password strength tester runs locally and does not send your password over the internet.

Are Password Strength Checkers Safe?

Yes. SanSEOTools' Password Strength Checker is safe to use

  • The passwords you type never leave your browser and we don’t store them.
  • Even if the password was sent to us, we wouldn’t actually know who you were anyway – so couldn’t match it up to any usernames or any websites you may visit.
  • Passwords being sent over the internet insecurely is the last thing we want to see since our business is helping people become more secure online.

How Do Hackers Crack Passwords?

Brute force is a method of password cracking that uses a bot to repeatedly guess random passwords until it finds the right one. These bots can try hundreds of passwords a second – but they are more likely to guess passwords that include dictionary words (also known as a dictionary attack) or passwords that are short.

Technology is moving so rapidly and so do hackers. In an increasingly digitalized world, strong passwords are the first line of defense against hackers and identity theft. They’re vital for keeping our personal information, finances, and online accounts safe from cybercriminals. The fact that online criminals are becoming more proficient at deciphering user credentials puts us all at risk. Some of the most effective tactics they use for stealing passwords are brute force, phishing, guessing, dictionary word attacks, and rainbow tables. In other words, a password is more likely to be cracked and compromised the shorter and simpler it is. But how do we know if our passwords are weak? Fortunately, clever online tools known as "password strength checkers" are designed to do the hard work for us by pointing out password weaknesses. They detect, test, and calculate password strength in a matter of seconds.

How SanSEOTools Password Strength Tester Help?

About SanSEOTools Password Strength Checker

Password Strength Checker uses a complex algorithm to check how strong a password is. Its aggregated data is based on "first name" and "last name" dictionaries, common password dictionaries, and intricate substitution patterns (a typical strategy to make passwords stronger by replacing I’s with !’s and 1’s, or E’s with 3’s). It also seeks for common sequences of characters like "123456" and passwords that include popular proximity-based combinations of keyboard characters such as "asdf" and "qwerty". 

Strong Passwords Best Practices For Better Password Security

Make it Long

Using long passwords is critical to password strength. 

  • A password should be 16 characters or more; our password-related research has found that 45 percent of Americans use passwords of eight characters or less, which are not as secure as longer passwords.
  • That meeting the minimum requirements for a password makes it strong. By today’s standards, an 8-character password won’t make you very secure

Make it Random

  • Your passwords should include a combination of letters (upper and lower case), numbers and characters. Ensure your passwords do not follow a recognizable pattern.
  • A password should be hard to guess and it shouldn’t include any of the user’s personal information like their address, birth date or phone number. It’s also best not to include any information that can be accessed on social media like kids’ or pets’ names.

By reading above you should know

What makes a strong password?

A strong password is one that’s either not easily guessed or not easily brute forced. To make it not easily guessed it can’t be a simple word, to make it not easily cracked it needs to be long and complex. Super computers can go through billions of attempts per second to guess a password. Try to make your passwords a minimum of 14 characters.

Why Passphrases are Much more Secure than Passwords?

A passphrase is simply a password, that’s longer, it could be a sentence, with spaces and punctuation in it. The benefit of a passphrase is that typically they’re easier to remember, but more difficult to crack due to their length. For every additional character in the length of a password or passphrase, the time it would take to break increases exponentially. Ultimately that means that having a long password or passphrase can make you far more secure than having a short one with some symbols or numbers in it. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What makes a safe password?

A safe password should follow at least the following rules:

  • Safe passwords have 12-16 characters or more (the longer the better);
  • Change Passwords regularly
  •  Avoid using the same password on multiple online accounts.
  • Delete passwords and accounts when no longer needed
  • Should not contain consecutive numbers or letters.
  •  Leave out personal information (place or date of birth, address, kids’/pets’ names).
  •  Create a hard-to-guess combination of numbers, special characters, and letters (both uppercase and lowercase).
  •  Strong passwords don’t contain the word “password” and don’t repeat letters or numbers.

What is a Password Strength Tester?

A password strength tester measures how long it might hypothetically take to crack your password by testing the password against a set of known criteria–such as length, randomness, and complexity.

Using a strength tester is an easy step to securing your online profile. In seconds, they help you determine whether or not your passwords are strong enough to protect your online subscriptions, such as your bank account.

How do password strength testers work?

 a strength tester measures how long it would take someone else (or, more commonly, an automated computer program) to brute force an attack using every possible letter, number, and special character combination until they crack it. A password strength tester instantly provides this information and empowers you to choose the strongest possible password to keep your account information safe.

Strong and unique passwords can be automatically generated for free using this Password Generator. With this free tool, you can customize the password generator settings, including the number of characters and the use of capitalization, symbols, and special characters. Once you customize your settings, you can evaluate your password strength score and the estimated time for hackers to crack it.